Our summer camps are over, thank you all for the input!

Our 2018 summer camps are over! Thank you everyone for all your hard work to make this a BIG success (Porsche, Bank of Communications, Target, Aboro, Teaching Nomad, Think Global, Disney English, Yakult, Google and our volunteers) !

Our super students and corporate volunteers taught grades 2-4 classes at two sites. It is so good to hear parents say that their kids have become more knowledgable not only academically but also socially! Yes, with so many different classes, it must have been a very enriching experience. The tuition fee was only 800RMB per month this year to make it accessible for the under-privileged. 

If you are curious about our summer camps, you can check out one of the videos for our closing ceremony here; if you want to sign up for volunteering, please register here