A Big Thank You to Paper Stones Scissors for developing our new visual identity!

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Stepping Stones would like to extend a huge thank you to Paper Stones Scissors for creating our brand new visual identity! Paper Stones Scissors has created a new brand image, representing the essence of Stepping Stones’ mission of improving the education and general welfare of disadvantaged children in China. Our new logo depicts stones crossing a river, representing the path to a brighter future provided by our amazing volunteers, and our sense of fun is captured in the smiley faces that are incorporated in the sleek new logo.Paper Stones Scissors has also redesigned our flyers, newsletters, presentations and merchandise to be consistent with our new look. We hope you like our sleek and professional new image!

Stepping Stones Balloon

Communications Agency Paper Stones Scissors has been helping brands and business to thrive and stand out for more than 20 years. If you would like to learn more about their work, you can check their website here.