The Artificial Intelligence and STEAM education series – a programming and creativity class – has started!
Stepping Stones and the Magic Steam Creation Factory have jointly designed 12 children’s programming and fun Mind+ training courses, allowing children to quickly master Mind+ programming skills. Through this course, children will not only learn basic programming concepts and skills, but also improve their logical thinking, mathematical capabilities, problem-solving skills, creativity, memory, communication skills, collaborative thinking, and independence in thought and judgement.

STEAM courses are taught through a project-based learning method, which allows students to design and execute projects themselves and consequently promotes their independence in learning and thinking. In a designated period of time, students brainstorm, plan, and propose project ideas to solve practical problems using various methods such as demonstration. Compared with traditional learning methods, project-based learning can effectively improve students’ practical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The goal of project-based learning is to push students to master subject knowledge more efficiently by learning strategies practiced in real life, as well as cultivating students’ social and communication skills in the process.
So what is STEAM exactly?
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. STEAM education is a comprehensive education integrating those respective fields.

STEAM is an educational concept, which is different from the traditional single-subject, book-oriented education method. STEAM’s transdisciplinary education emphasizes practice. The success of anything does not solely depend on mastering a single field or technique, but results from learning a variety of capabilities. For example, tech industries and firms not only require knowledge in science and technology, but also innovation, marketing, design, and critical thinking and a vision for society at large. Therefore, the use of a single skill can no longer support the development of future talents. In the future, we need comprehensive talents in many aspects. STEAM is designed with the purpose of fulfilling this need.
STEAM education is especially popular in the United States. Most primary and secondary schools in the United States have a budget for STEAM education, with teachers, principals, and educators strongly advocating for this educational method. In fact, Barack Obama also joined the people to learn programming and wrote his first code. Under STEAM education, robots and 3D printers are brought to schools, which help promote the students’ interest in math and science. The five disciplines combining science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics truly breaks the conventional learning style and provide students with the comprehensive skills that are much needed in society.
STEAM’s teaching philosophy is very suitable for small classes. The teachers and volunteers of Stepping Stones will conduct Mind+ programming class in Shanghai Jiuqian Volunteer Community Center every Saturday. The following is the curriculum: