After School Tuition Programme Launched!

October 2012
After School Tuition Program Launched
Over years of teaching in migrant schools and talking to teachers, parents and students, Stepping Stones staff and volunteers have been increasingly aware that migrant students lack after-school support for their English language learning, which is holding them back compared with other urban children. At the same time, Stepping Stones has been successful in attracting many young Chinese volunteers, who are ideal candidates for offering small group after-school tuition to migrant students. In the Autumn semester 2012, a pilot after-school tuition programme was launched in five community centres for migrants in Minhang, Qingpu and Hongkou districts, with students from Shanghai United International School and CYPA acting as tutors.
Stepping Stones plans to further develop and expand the programme in Spring 2013 according to feedback which will be gathered at the pilot programmes at the end of the Winter term.