Summer Gansu & Guizhou volunteering placement opportunity in collaboration with EGRC!

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Stepping Stones, in collaboration with Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC), have opened up an exciting opportunity for foreign volunteers to teach English in rural Gansu and Guizhou.

EGRC is looking for a few foreign volunteer teachers to travel to Gansu (four different locations) and Guizhou (one location) to teach a group of EGRC university students in a village or local town. The volunteering will take place this summer 3-10 August, 2017

Educating Girls of Rural China is an organization with a mission to provide university and high school sponsorship to female students from rural regions of China.

Stepping Stones is able to support the internal round-trip airfare costs and either Stepping Stones or EGRC will cover other costs, such as local transport and accommodation.

This is an exciting opportunity for volunteers wanting to get out of the big cities and learn more about rural China while volunteering for a beneficial cause.  The experience of both the local EGRC university students and the foreign volunteers transcends language learning.. Click here for Hajer’s story about her volunteering experience in Gansu in Summer 2015.

Interested volunteers for this opening should contact Morgan Banaszek, with their enquiry.

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